TARWUK (Bruno Pogacnik Tremow & Ivana Vukšic) are a collaborative duo from Croatia who have been working together since 2014.
They make sculptures and installations that conjure unknown rituals and traumatic scenes of war and devastation. They use a range of materials—wax, rope, pigments, wood, plaster—to evoke the feeling of having just stumbled on a story whose totality will never be told. Their installations invite projection and prediction, allowing the viewer to imagine their own narratives. Their works challenge assumptions by imposing personal, speculative stories that create a complex and generative system of meaning, materializing their personal histories into objects. For Tremow and Vukšic, “work and life… are one.” Their work reflects their upbringing, first in socialist Yugoslavia and later in post-socialist Croatia. They were raised in a war zone, with our families and our houses being torn apart. They seek to challenge the mechanisms and assumptions of society by imposing intensely personal speculative fabulations as possible alternatives.
New York, NY & Zagreb, Croatia
Born 1981, Yugoslavia, Raised in Croatia
2014 MFA Columbia University, New York, NY
2008 MFA Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb, HR
2006 MA Faculty of Political Sciences, Zagreb, HR